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Last year, I started making quarterly plans and wanted to share my goals.

I will share my quarterly plan for Q2 of 2023, why I picked them and how I plan to achieve them.

Quarterly planning has changed how I used to set goals.

At my 9-to-5 job, I manage the planning, development & release of million-dollar web applications.

I adopted several strategies to get my team to focus on the highest-priority items and get the most out of their day. I built my Quarterly Planning Framework using the same technique to focus on what matters the most and get the most out of your day.

For this quarter, my primary focus is building digital products while managing my 9-to-5 job.

My goal is to create an “Ultimate Time Management Guide For Web Developers to Meet Deadlines Without Burnout and Earn More Money” by 4/30, start selling by 5/15 and earn $1000 from it by 6/31/2023.

I picked this goal (my why) to level up my writing journey by creating a paid product; I will be able to have a deeper & more emotional connection with my audience.

Building & earning from a paid product is more significant than my limiting beliefs. If I don’t build this ultimate guide, I will be stuck at the surface-level content. I won’t be able to provide actionable value that resonates and impacts someone’s life.

Specific smaller goals & outcome

⚡Earn $1000 from my digital products by 6/31 – [$0/$1000 done]

⚡One Ultimate Guide (draft by 4/30, launch by 5/15)

⚡Quarterly Planning Workbook 3.0 (launch by 5/15) – [done]

⚡Build   website with a landing page showing my free & paid offerings (launch by 5/15) – [done]

⚡Write 12 newsletters (One weekly newsletter) – [5/12 done]

⚡90 essays (One atomic essay every day) – [20/90 done]

⚡Speak with at least 20 web developers who will buy this guide (by 6/31) – [0/20 done]

To achieve this goal, I created the following strategy and execution plan.

⚡I have created an outline and started writing each topic & chapter as daily atomic essays. I am taking help from my writing mastermind group.

⚡I have also revamped my website to create a one-stop place to show my offering.

⚡Next, I will finish the first draft by 4/30 and conduct feedback sessions. Then I will work on sales pages & copies to start selling this guide by 5/15.

⚡As an add-on to this guide, I will include my 1&1 consultation, and later, I plan to create a video course based on the ultimate guide as an add-on purchase.

⚡I have created the following detailed daily execution plan

I have also created a video walk-through of the quarterly planning workbook and my Q2 goals.

This video will give you an in-depth insight into the goal-setting and planning process.

Quarterly planning has changed how I used to set goals.

Let’s recap how quarterly planning has transformed my writing hobby into building digital products.

In Q4 of 2022, my primary focus was career growth mentorship.

My goal was to establish myself as a career growth mentor. Develop a weekly routine and publishing calendar, then stick to my routine for the next 12 weeks. Get more clarity on my niche by making it more specific. Refine my content matrix.

Specific smaller goals & outcomes I achieved by Dec 31, 2022,

⚡I built and maintained a consistent writing & publishing schedule. [Habits]. I created quality posts on Twitter, Medium, newsletters and YouTube videos. (Actions).

⚡I launched two digital products, a Quarterly Planning Workbook and an Email Course. (Actions)

⚡Dickie & Cole, my writing mentors, told me I need more specificity. I need to identify one person and one outcome. Through their guidance & exercise, I gained clarity on my content, such as my audience, niche, topics, sub-topics, and content matrix. (Clarity)

⚡I met with many folks to understand their challenges and solutions.

⚡I gained 750 Twitter followers and 300 Newsletter subscribers. (Outcome)

In Q1 of 2023, my primary focus was to build digital products.

My goal was to decide on what ultimate guide & course to build.

Specific smaller goals & outcomes I achieved by Mar 31, 2023,

⚡I niche down to web developers and create quality content for web developers. I added specificity to my products and converted them for the web developers – Quarterly planning workbook, jumpstart email course, and jumpstart newsletter

⚡I explored & implemented many ideas, such as a Discord group for web developers, started a testimonial open source project, Joined the DSD team as a team lead, co-hosted Twitter Spaces, etc.

⚡I also had several 1&1 conversations with web developers to understand their challenges and solution to those challenges,

⚡All these activities helped me pick time management for web developers as my niche to create content & digital products.

Quarterly planning provides you with agility and focuses at the same time.

A quarter is a small duration to maintain discipline, focus and enthusiasm for your goals.

A clear quarterly goal makes it easy to decide your weekly & daily priorities. This clarity helps you stay on track, allocate your time wisely, and make every day count. A quarter is just the right time to make significant progress while staying motivated.

So, embrace the quarter system and watch your goals become achievements! 🏆✨

I turned 50 and celebrated my birthday with a SkyDrive.


Although I’ve always feared heights and rollercoasters, I took the leap and experienced the thrill of skydiving today!

Watch how I took the plunge from 18,000 feet, freefall at 120mph, and floated back down to earth with a breathtaking view.

This was an unforgettable adventure!

That’s a wrap,

I hope my quarterly plans will encourage you to create your goals and achieve them⚡🚀.

Your Friend, Vinod

You can DM me on 👉 Twitter  @VinodSharma10x